professional athletes would kill to have her physique

wide mouth with perfectly straight teeth perfect for singing and smiling and lying through.has little cuts-turned-callouses on his fingers from strumming lutes without picks for so long.warm brown eyes that turn ever so slightly maroon when he casts magic.it’s a point of pride let him have this.and that’s probably only bc pike’s growth was stunted from wearing so much heavy armor all the time.literally half an inch taller than pike (3′2″).slight pudge about the waist that never really shrinks or grows–he’s on the road and physically exerting himself too often to ever really gain any weight, but you get the impression that if he were ever to settle down he’d instantly get the Dad Bod™.short, spiky fringe that doesn’t fall over his forehead so much as it sticks out a bit over it.light blue eyes as clear as a spring morning that glow with a bright, divine yellow when she invokes the name/blessings of her goddess.has the curviest hips in the entire group.keeps her hair up in a tight bun, but when it’s let down the hair falls all the way to the small of her back.tiny ripped cleric of sarenrae here to bless u n fuck u up in the same breath.
has callouses at the joints where her armor presses heavily down into her skin.her skin is lightly tanned from being out in the sun so much, but has paled considerably since she’s been indoors more lately instead out adventuring with the rest of vm.long, jagged scar that starts from her right shoulder and wraps around her entire torso to end at her left hip from when she died.

light, almost white platinum blonde hair.eyes are a dull brownish-yellow that turn gold when he’s raging.has black tribal tattoos over his head, shoulders, back, thighs, and chest that i conveniently never draw.picture that one guy from gotg’s body-type but.he’s not cut like a body-builder, he’s got a bit of fat here and there bc he’s a goliath and they’re primarily a species that lives in colder climes.could bounce thirty quarters at once off that thing.that guy who the moment u see him ur like.scruffy beard+sideburn combo that makes him look like the hot shirtless lumberjack fantasy man who would Treat You Right.reason why he never wears a shirt: he’d tear them to shreds the moment he so much as twitches an arm.the literal definition of the word Swole™.have i mentioned that grog’s fucking huge.it’s darker and raised just a bit higher than the rest of his skin, and it’s slightly numb to all feeling.largest/most noticeable scar he has is the one directly over his sternum.has scars allll over his body, esp over his arms and chest.